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Tipping policy

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 2 months ago

The text on this wiki page is locked, but we're still interested in receiving feedback about The Real Estate Cafe's "Tipping Policy" privately at RECafe@mac.com. We're particularly interested in ideas about (1) how The Real Estate Cafe should reward registered buyer clients in Massachusetts who offer tips about falling housing prices; and (2) how we should reward others outside Massachusetts.


Here is our current policy, written in the form of an email to buyer client who has already posted seven properties to the real estate bubble map:


Greetings, Sriram,


I can see that you have been busy posting properties selling below assessed value to the real estate bubble map. In previous correspondence, The Real Estate Cafe offered to credit you:


$25 for each NEW property added to the bubble map; and

$50 for each video / audio post.


In order to qualify for the credit under our our "Tipping Policy," the properties must appear on one of the Real Estate Cafe's maps:



Thanks again for taking the initiative to help other homebuyers by expanding our real estate bubble map. The seven properties you've added so far qualify for a $175 credit which will be reflected in our next tally of billable hours under our 100% commission rebate, fee-for-service plan.

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